Education , Pregnancy & Birth, Games & Fun

(de) Mommy Monday: Ich will doch nur spielen.

by on February 24th 2014 Tags: , , ,

Sorry, this entry is only available in German.

Education , Weihnachten

(de) Pampers und Unicef: Baum der Wünsche!

by on November 23rd 2013 Tags: , , ,

Sorry, this entry is only available in German.

Kids room, Games & Fun

Family Fun: Cute Pampers video

by on August 24th 2013 Tags: , , ,

For the Jubilee initiative “40 years of love, sleep & play” Pampers has asked mommies and daddies to share the most beautiful “good morning” moments from their small sunshines per video post on a Facebook app.

The cutest scenes have now been gatheredd for the video to the Pampers ‘Good morning’ song “sleep well, good humoured” compiled by Barbara Schöneberger. You can see the finished clip on the Pampers Channel on Youtube or in the “good morning” app on the Pampers Facebook page.
And of course here on 🙂

On Facebook there are of course many more around the birthday action and even more sweet video and photo contributions from cuddly bundle of joy.

Look – this is good mood anyway 😉

Education , Pregnancy & Birth

Happy Birthday: Pampers is turning 40!

by on June 9th 2013 Tags: ,

40 Jahre Liebe, Schlaf & Spiel

Yes, we admit: We are commercial-addicts. Grown up with the tv and  games as “Guess the advertisement” we are somehow grown togehter with many brands. We and the products: It´s a lifelong love!

Education , Lifestyle, Celebrities

Achieve sooo much with just a little effort

by on December 27th 2012 Tags: , ,

Recently we reported on our participation in the charity crafting afternoon with Pampers, where we sought to achieve together more awareness for the initiative against Tetanus of children in the 3rd world.

After our post, we have heard from some of you that unfortunately not everyone has a charity event and could engage together with stars such as Barbara Becker, Dana Schweiger and Franziska van Almsick.

Therefore we would like to show you again, that it is not always the big events that are solely effective, but also the many small things that happen unnoticed which can move things.