Hach wie herrlich – endlich hat der Frühling Einzug gehalten und erfreut uns mit warmen Sonnenstrahlen, fröhlich singenden Vögeln und der herrlichen Blumenpracht.
Wie passend, dass der norwegische Kinderwagen-Hersteller Stokke dafür neue, frische Sommer-Kits für ihre Stokke® Xplory® Serie herausgebracht hat. Zarte, pudrige Pastelltöne mit floralen Mustern begeistern in duftigem Rosa, luftigen Hellblau und frischem Pastellgrün.


Spending the summer on a three weeks roadtrip through the USA? Flying to Copenhagen for a weekend in autumn? Together with the whole family, including the kids? Is this possible? A question we were discussing a lot in the last weeks among friends because several of them we wondering if they could manage to do that.
We came to the conclusion: Yes, it´s possible! Definitely! And it seems as if we aren´t the only ones who think so.
The Dutch company Joolz – one of our favourite stroller manufacturers – created a new limited edition for families who like to travel a lot. It´s called Joolz Day Discovery and looks very nice. Of course we wanted to find out more about it. …

Let’s go outside in these wonderful fall hours. Mild October temperatures made us visit the beautiful park where Miss P. and I had a little fun in the colorful warm leaves .
Despite the mild temperatures, she certainly insisted to wear her new and cozy winter jacket by il Gufo and her beloved mouse hat.

In the meantime, Tiny Miss A. was chilling cosily wrapped in her Joolz Geo, of which the caramel brown leather buckles just fit perfectly with the fall leaves!

Mommy deeply enjoyed the little time out in the sunshine.
Stroller: Joolz Geo
Diaper Bag: Prada
Cashmere coat: Loro Piana
Boyfriend Jeans: Please
Sunglasses: Tom Ford
Chunky scarf: H&M

Question of the day: How many strollers are you allowed to call your own?
Well, we would say that a family can never have enough strollers. Wouldn´t it be great to have one for every occasion, for every outfit and for every season?
Ok, ok, we know that this is not really possible, but hey, let´s go on dreaming. Or, even easier: We pimp our strollers with some nice accessories.
For example with the latest Stokke Style Kits in Olive and Burgundy. …
Slowly i’s getting concrete and we have ushered in the baby countdown, finally there are only a few weeks until our little angel will be born and with us.
High time to make final preparations setting up the nursery and finally getting my long awaited stroller ready for use.
As an already experienced Mama, the choice was considerably easy this time – for me there’s just no cooler stroller than a JOOLZ.