
Sunday Inspiration: I am in love with a leopard…

by on October 13th 2013 Tags: ,

Sunday Inspiration Cavalli meets Sonatina

Roberto Cavalli is known for his special and extravagant designs, prints and colours – also his collection for kids is just adorable.


Tootsy Thursday: Amore mio!

by on May 23rd 2013 Tags: ,


“This is so cute!!!!” It was love at first sight when we saw these pretty shoes from the Italian brand “Sonatina”. Hand-sewn, made out of leather, they fit perfect on childrens feet. Some people claim that Italians are not able to vote – might be true, but they are definitely able to make fashion. The shoes are awesome: With flowerprints and  small bows made out of tulle for the young ladies and dandy-like shoes for the young gentlemen.

Of course the kids  grew up so fast and soon they can´t wear these cute shoes anymore, but doesn´t any mom keep the first shoes of her baby in the wardrobe? As a memory of the good old times when her child used to be a sweet little angle and not the pubescent little devil it is today.
