Ich weiß ja nicht, wie ihr das seht, aber als ich kurz vor dem letzten Weihnachtsfest die übrigen Schoko-Ostereier vom letzten Jahr entsorgte, schwor ich mir, dass es nächstes Ostern ein zuckerfreies Osternest für unsere Kids gibt.
Denn selbst wenn wir die Großeltern und Freude dazu anhalten, lieber weniger Süßkram zu schenken und dafür “etwas Vernüftiges”, hält sich wie jedes Jahr keiner daran.

After it’s hailing baby news among our friends, we become organizational talents for hosting babyshowers. As a America fan I use this tradition of “Babyshower” with great excitement for many years here in Germany. And it shoes over and over again, that even here the expectant mom is thrilled to spend a day with herbest friends and full of surprises.
For our last baby shower I finally wanted to make a diaper cake myself and was desperately looking for proper instructions for making a pretty diaper cake looking not just “selfmade”. Since I couldnt find satisfactory instructions, we have spend an afternoon for a creative session. And in the end we have compiled instructions for making a diaper cake for you, with which you can fast and easyly make your own diaper cake. …
As today’s Sunday inspiration you get a small glimpse into the magical baby shower, Diana organized on the occasion of the upcoming birth of her second son.
And one thing must be said beforehand – Diana has outperformed herself once again!

It´s only four weeks till Christmas and slowly but surely we are starting to think about the perfect gifts for our sweethearts.
Some cosy and nice boots for our sister´s little son? A cute romper suit for the goddaughter? And then the phone starts ringing every day and mothers, friends and aunts want to know what our children would like to get as a Christmas-present. To make it easier for you, we invented an easy, but very helpful tool in our online-shop: The gift-registry.
Simply put your favorite items from our shop on your gift registry and then share it with all those who are looking for gifts for your little ones.
- Select “My account” or quickly set up a new customer account with us.
- Select “my account” and go to “My gift registry“
- Open your favorite items and select “add to gift registry”
- Share your gift registry with all those who are searching for a gift for you.
And as a help to find the right pieces, we already chose some super nice ones for you:
1. We love Stripes: Baby Girl tights by Rykiel Enfant
2. Red, red, red are ll my clothes: Super cute combination! Dress and headband by Moschino
3. Sooo cosy: Mini-boots by Moonboots.
4. For little gentleman: Three-part gift set for babys by Armani

…the Orchard in suede stripes!
Crafted from soft suede stripes, the zip-top tote bag is a refined gift from the Burberry Prorsum runway. Featuring hand-finished leather handles, luggage-inspired suede bombé and bright polished metal hardware, this tote bag is an elegant dedication to expert craftsmanship. Perfect gift under the Christmas tree:-)