Beauty, For grown-up girls

Mommy’s secret beauty weapons

von am October 1st 2015 Tags: ,

Oh how I had forgotten about it…. the interrupted nights and the little sleep that come along with a newborn baby 🙂

Although our little sunshine is reeeeally uncomplicated and requires little attention, my sleep pensum is reduced anyway. The time for myself having two kids – including the time for my beauty routine – as well.  Thus, I needed new, more effective beauty weapons making me looking radiant and fresh in the morning anyway !

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My latest discoveries are the following three darlings:

1) the Hydra Beauty Gel Crème by CHANEL
Already during my last pregnancy this light creme provided my skin perfectly with moisture and it felt as if my skin had taken a large zip out of the water bottle! Comfortable texture and decent frangrance provide further pleasure.

You’ll find it online here >>

2) the Perfect Refining Foundation by SHISEIDO
is my next secret beauty weapon, which covers in the most genius way dark spots under your eyes, dull teint and skin impurities which have occurred due to hormonal disbalance during pregnancy and Co! It has a super silky texture covering and mattifying perfectly during the entire day without mask effects – I’ve really looked for something like that for a very long time!

You’ll get it at Douglas here

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3.) The Shimmering Brick by BOBBY BROWN
provides your teint with the necessary glow even if you have only little time for styling!

You’ll find it eg at Parfumdreams

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