Education , Sweepstake, Games & Fun

Mommy Monday: test with us the new Pampers

von am April 28th 2014 Tags: , , , , , ,

product test of Pampers Active Fit4

As avowed and enthusiastic Pampers fans (no, there are actually no alternatives that come close to the quality and comfort of this brand ) of course we were instantly excited when Pampers asked us to test the newly enhanced Active Fit through its paces.

The usage test plays along the lines of „play, as you like it – rules can wait”  – at least Pampers promises that the improved Active Fit are the driest and best fitting diapers from Pampers and thus there are no limits conquering new worlds.

product test of Pampers Active Fit6For us as parents, this means less to worry about: instead of a leeking and ill-fitting diapers , our little explorers can now focus on the adventures

Laut einer europaweiten Studie* von Pampers spielen 58 Prozent der deutschen Eltern jeden Tag länger als 90 Minuten mit ihrem Baby – in keinem anderen Land Europas wird so viel gespielt wie bei uns. Also wir liegen da deeeeeuuuuutlich über dem Schnitt und spielen gefühlt den ganzen Tag!

According to a European study * of Pampers 58 percent of German parents play every day for more than 90 minutes with their baby – in no other European country, parents play this much as in ours. Well, we are signiiiiiificantly above average and play all the day long (at least it feels like it :))

In our case , however, the test was a particular challenge because Pippa is just about to becoming dry and in her opinion is waaaay too old for diapers. „I’m a big girl ,“ she says often at first, while then totally forgets about going to the toilett while having fun and playing, getting totally wet pants.

product test of Pampers Active Fit

product test of Pampers Active Fit5This in turn is terribly embarrassing for her as a ” big” girl.

Therefore, we have the deal, secretly resorting to Pampers for delicate situations such as car rides, ballet lessons, ski lessons or long kids’ parties .

So far, however it was a bit of a discussion, because our mouse is super active and fit and on constantly the road – and thus thicker diapers can already become annoying.

“Mom, I do not like to wear the diaper … ” was our constant discussion – even though we knew exactly how the end of it would be ….






Right here is where the lightweight, super- thin, flexible, unobtrusive , yet highly absorbent Active Fit perfectly came into play.

Not that the previous Active Fit was particularly thick and inflexible , but our daughter felt it yet and wanted to remove them – the new variant seems to be really  improved , because it is so thin that Pippa has really forgotten that she even wearing a diaper !

So no more theater or damp mishap at ballet lessons or yesterday on an extensive children’s birthday but all were happy 🙂

Conclusion: Test definitely passed – the difference is really noticeable and makes our lives better and of course the one of Philippa  considerably!

You want to convince yourself and also test the new Active Fit ? Then win us a test package with us! 

Leave quickly down here a comment and sign up to Pampers Village until 05.05. 2014, as they will send out the test packet  ( we are not allowed to pass on addresses ) .


If you should not win, you still can apply at Pampers for the product review. Because they are still looking for another 500 mothers and fathers which test the new Pampers Active Fit free and want to review it.

The winner will be drawn on May 5th at 10 am here on the blog and be notified via email

I look forward to your feedback!


Raffle conditions:

The winner must leave a comment and also register quickly on Pampers Village with indicating the diaper size of their child. In addition, he must acquiesce in the context of the application that Pampers is allowed to contact him (including specification of address data) – otherwise the test package can not be delivered .

* Pampers’ Pan-European Love, Sleep & Play study, August 2013


  1. Irina Bort says:

    Bin total gespannt, wie sie sich unterscheiden!

  2. Pica says:

    Das ist wohl genau das richtige für unseren Jonatan!!!
    Her mit dem Testpackt, denn unser kleiner Racker “vergisst sich” beim spielen einfach noch etwas zu oft.
    Resultat: “Mama, Hose nass!”

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